Flamingo Island
Na Und Laufhaus Villingen
FKK Palast Freiburg wieder geöffnet
Studio Mondana Killwangen unter neuer Leitung
Sexparty bei Swiss-Party in Oberbuchsiten Sexparty bei Swiss-Party in Oberbuchsiten
Villa45 Kontaktbar, Erotik, Studio in Wetzikon im Zürcher Oberland
Oase der Saunaclub in Oensingen im Kanton Solothurn
FKK Club Montecarlo in Baden-Baden
A2 Erotik Club der Extraklasse nähe Luzern Schweiz Club Sodom Villingen-Schwenningen - Swinger, Gay, Bi, Hetero
El Harem Saunaclub Kirchberg Schweiz Erotik Studio Helvetica in Schlieren bei Zürich
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A2 Erotik Club der Extraklasse nähe Luzern Schweiz Club Sodom Villingen-Schwenningen - Swinger, Gay, Bi, Hetero
El Harem Saunaclub Kirchberg Schweiz Erotik Studio Helvetica in Schlieren bei Zürich

    Hello Hobe,
    Well, I don’t know, what language you really would like to speak in Globe, it does not seem to me that you are a native English speaker either, but, nevertheless, should you wish to communicate in English there are indeed some girls who do speak English even though they would probably prefer to stick to their own Slavic or whatever language. Apart from English some of the girls also speak Italian or Spanish.

    You asked whether it is tolerated in Globe to have sex in public under the eyes of everybody. Well, this is possible and done sometimes in the first stage of a “session” – during “the warm-up” that is. After some 5 minutes or so you tend to move then to the room, and continue the session there. This is the normal procedure in Globe. But there are areas in the club (cinema, or lounge chairs) where you can screw under the eyes of your “fellow citizens” if it is this, that turns you on. On the other hand explicit voyeurism - is not much appreciated in Globe. Despite the fact that the majority of the visitors in Globe prefer to enjoy their sex and intimacy in a private room you can sometimes see couples acting in the public. Nobody really cares. Hence, everything is possible as long as you don't disturb the feelings of others..
    Have fun

    That´s correct, my first language isn´t english but swedish. Don´t suppose there are any swedish girls at The Globe? ;-)

    Sounds great that one can make out and play with the girls in the open for at least the start! Can I bring them anywhere I like later? I also wonder if the girls will approach you at all locations of the club? Of course they will talk to me if I sit in the bar, but will they join me in the sauna or the whirlpool as well?

    Two questions:

    1. Does the girls speak english? Since my german is really bad and I still like to chat and flirt with the girls.

    2. Is it possible to have sex out in the club while others are looking (as well as look at others having sex)? I´ve been looking at the pictures from the club, and I´m wondering what places are the best to do the girls in public on? Please feel free to tel me some of your stories about sex out in the club!!!